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Monday, September 15, 2014

The BIG 4-0

Yes, that fireball is 40 candles. ~ Brenda Meller
In honor of celebrating my 40th birthday and with hopes that this blog will reach people far and wide and hopefully make a positive impact on organizations on this list, I asked my Facebook friends, Twitter followers, and LinkedIn network to share their suggestions for blog topics on charitable organizations, including a web link and their thoughts on the organization. For many, I'm finding the blog topic is in memory of a loved one or friend.

It's no ice bucket challenge* but I do have hopes that this post and the concept about blogging about charitable organizations will go viral. Also, I hope it is beneficial to the organizations who have been mentioned by giving them a bit more awareness beyond their current supporter base. Being active on social media is an interest of mine, and blogging about these wonderful organizations is a small way of using my talent to help others.

If you know me, you know I'm a big believer in the power of social media. It has truly connected and amplified our impact with others throughout the world. Therefore, the focus of this "BIG 4-0" is a list of charitable organizations to consider, as well as to serve as a platform for information sharing. And if something intrigues you, please follow the link and consider supporting the organization. 

At the very minimum, read the entire blog and click to share -- because you never know who might benefit from one simple click or share. Yes, YOU are that powerful. :)
Thanks to all those who offered suggestions. 

  1. American Cancer Society in memory of my mom. They are dedicated to eliminating cancer. Side note: to pay tribute to my mom, I would love to get involved with this organization in some significant other way than giving (yes, I already give). I've participated in their Relay for Life Walk and I'm also signed up for a long term study to support cancer research.
    Five Facts about American Cancer Society
  2. University of Michigan Depression Center in memory of George Orley. A talented young man in his 20s. (Thanks to Denise Kulak for the mention)Five Facts about University of Michigan Depression Center
  3. First Step. First Step-the western wayne county project on domestic assault makes it possible for survivors of domestic and sexual assault to change their lives -peaceful families and safe communities! -plus , we are putting in a wonderful playground and healing garden for the 600 or so kids who see us each year and also a pet area so victims won't have to leave their pets behind when entering the shelter! And all of our services are free! (Thanks to Theresa Bizoe for the mention)Five Things about First Step
  4. Mary's Mantle, which helps support homeless, expectant mothers. Always a great cause. (Thanks to Caleb Bellow for the mention)Five Facts about Mary's Mantle
  5. To support adult stem cell research for ALS, other neuromuscular diseases, cancer, and poor diseases (those big pharmaceutical companies do not think they could profit from), you could mention the John Paul II Medical Research Institute... (Thanks to John S for the mention).Five Facts about JP2MRI
  6. The Dearborn Animal Shelter. After 20 years of providing shelter to more than 42,600 animals and offering high-quality service to the community, we are embarking on a campaign to build a new Animal Adoption & Education Center. Please join us in our efforts to “Build a Home with Heart.” We’ve always had the heart . . . now we need a new home. (Thanks to Anne Garbus for the mention)Five Facts about The Dearborn Animal Shelter
  7. The New Day Foundation for Families. Because, they truly help reduce financial, emotional and physical strain on families affected by cancer. (Thanks to Josephine Dries for the mention)Five Facts about New Day Foundation for Families
  8. Mcrest Macomb county home shelter. Rotating homeless shelter supported by Macomb county churches...90 day program to help men, women. and families facing homelessness.  (Thanks to Gary Lusk for the mention)Five Facts about MCREST:
  9. Angels of Hope. Non profit organization which offers financial support for families with children effected by cancer.  (Thanks to Gary Lusk for the mention)Five Facts About Angels of Hope
  10. Gilda's Club "an org I help regularly in honor of both of my grandpas that had cancer," says my friend Jessica.  (Thanks to Jessica Knapik for the mention)
    Five Facts About Gilda's Club of Detroit
  11. American Heart Association says my friend Jessica, "because my dad and uncle both had quad bypass surgery." (Thanks to Jessica Knapik for the mention)
    Five Facts About the American Heart Association
  12. CaringBridge, says Cindy W., "a non-profit website hosting organization for people needing/desiring to keep friends and families in touch during times of medical challenges. In addition, personally, in memory of our sweet, 7-year old friend Morgan." (Thanks to Cindy Wyckoff for the mention)
    Five Facts About CaringBridge.
  13. U of M Pancreatic Cancer Research says Carol, "in memory of my uncle Joe that passed this year. My aunt Kelly Butler Saullo and family have a fundraiser in Nov at Black Finn in Royal Oak". (thanks to Carol Butler for the mention)
    Five Facts About U of M Pancreatic Cancer Center
  14. Autism Speaks in support of my family member who was diagnosed at age 2. There are too many children impacted by the autism spectrum disorder. (by me)
    Five Facts About Autism Speaks:
  15. Habitat for Humanity of Oakland County: Local affiliate of international humanitarian organization that places the dream of home ownership within reach of low income households by providing a hand up, not a hand out. Over 120 simple, decent, and affordable houses have been built or refurbished in Oakland County through a sustainable partnership model built upon the foundation of mutual sweat equity contributed by donors and the families that purchase Habitat homes. (Thanks to Derrik Kingsley for the mention)
    Five Facts About Habitat for Humanity of Oakland County:
  16. As described on their site, "a group of local women who are interested in supporting our local community in the Detroit MI area by contributing to local charities together as a unit to increase the impact." 100+ women Motown (Thanks to Karen Rashid Balow for the mention)
  17. Through the American Red Cross, you can give blood to help others.  Also through the American Red Cross, you can donate blood platelets. It's a longer process but the platelets are precious to recipients.
  18. International Asherman's Association is an organization dedicated to awareness of Asherman's Syndrome, which causes infertility and is treatable with proper medical care.
    Five Facts About International Asherman's Association and Asherman's Syndrome. 
  19. In memory of a family friend who recently passed away and requested donations, I'm adding Forgotten Harvest to this list. Also suggested by Leslie Herrick. "The mission of Forgotten Harvest is to relieve hunger in the Detroit metropolitan community by rescuing surplus, prepared and perishable food and donating it to emergency food providers."
  20. In memory of the passing of a close friend's dad, Disabled American Veterans. "DAV is the most long-lasting veterans advocacy and assistance group in this country. We’ve watched this country change and grow, and we’ve grown along with it. However, DAV has never wavered in its core mission to fulfill our country’s promises to the men and women who served."
  21. The National Marrow Donor Registry. "For the thousands of people diagnosed every year with life-threatening blood cancers like leukemia and lymphoma, a cure exists. Over the past 25 years Be The Match®, operated by the National Marrow Donor Program® (NMDP), has managed the largest and most diverse marrow registry in the world. We work every day to save lives through transplant."
  22. Gift of Life Michigan, whose mission is: "To improve and extend lives through quality programs which maximize organ and tissue donation for transplantation."
    Five Facts about Gift of Life
  23. Fraser First Booster Club is leading the effort to create a barrier-free playground at McKinley Park in Macomb County (Fraser, Michigan). This playground will be an inclusive and innovative project "where children and adults of all abilities can play and learn together."
    Five Things About Fraser Barrier Free Park
  24. SOS (South Oakland Shelter) is the Oakland County version of MCrest whose goal is to end homelessness. (thanks to Diane F. for the mention)
  25. "In honor of my aunt, the Alzheimer's Association in Southfield, MI." (thanks to Diane F. for the mention)
  26. "I have a nonprofit that I have worked with called Bridgepointe. We have worked with kids in SW Detroit for sixteen years. Here's a story about a travel club I started five years ago. you would like to learn more about our work in the D check out our site at (thanks to LinkedIn connection Terri for the mention).
  27. The Troy Nature Society (thanks to Laura Gabriel for the suggestion).
  28. The Nature Conservancy Mission: conserve the lands and waters on which all life depends. The Nature Conservancy is working to make a lasting difference around the world in more than 35 countries, all 50 states and your backyard. Suggested by Leslie Herrick.
  29. The Pink Fund provides 90 days of non- medical financial assistance to cancer victims and survivors, as suggested by its founder Molly MacDonald.
    Five Facts About The Pink Fund
  30. The Greening of Detroit suggested by Leslie Herrick Inspiring sustainable growth of a healthy urban community through trees, green spaces, food, education, training and job opportunities.
    Today, The Greening of Detroit is a well-established, nonprofit resource agency that pa
    rtners with federal, state and local agencies, corporations and foundations to assist neighborhood groups, churches and schools in their efforts to improve the ecosystem in Detroit through tree planting projects, environmental education, urban agriculture, open space reclamation, vacant land management, and workforce development programs.
    Transforming this city from a post-industrial urban center into a healthier, safer and greener environment will take commitment and a bold new way of thinking. We are ready for that challenge.
  31. Team in Training suggested by Jennifer Chinn who is an absolute rockstar. Jennifer Chinn Team in Training through The Leukemia and Lymphoma Society. #tntmi
  32. The American Diabetes Association Chris Meller The American Diabetes Association in honor of my dad.
  33. Kim Osborne suggested the Jeannette Rankin Women's Scholarship Fund. Provides unrestricted scholarships to low income women over age 35 who are pursuing technical degrees or first baccalaureate degrees. I am a former board member.
  34. Mary suggested the Michigan Animal Rescue This is a wonderful no-kill animal shelter in Pontiac. They work primarily with dogs and cats. I have volunteered there. Great staff. They do a wonderful job socializing animals getting them ready for adoption. There is a wish list posted on their website. They can always use donations of dog & cat food (and puppy, kitten food).
  35. Game On Cancer suggested by Lori Jo Vest. 
  36. Tiger Lily Rescue suggested by Inge Leinberger Yes it is a nonprofit organization where I adopted both of my cats. I am friends with them on Facebook and their homepage is
  37. TBD
  38. TBD
  39. TBD
  40. TBD

Organizations # 37 through 40 are still open. Reply to this post or message me on social media and I'll add your suggested organization to this list, and will blog about it then tag you in the blog post when I share it on social media.

* Speaking of the ice bucket challenge, how cool would it be if the extra visibility and awareness, combined with the donations made are causing so much positive momentum that it might lead to a cure for ALS? And then maybe the next mass viral trend tackles cancer or another disease next.  Plus, consider that there is a parallel to those suffering from ALS. They wish the symptoms of their disease would just stop, too. The public annoyance over this trend is just a drop in the bucket (pun intended) of ALS patients' own form of suffering. It's making us all talk about the disease and that's a good thing. 

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