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Thursday, January 17, 2008

Having A Voice

I was discussing with one of my colleagues yesterday why some people complain about politics, but they don't vote. We both agreed that if you don't vote, your opinion doesn't count. If you're mad about something, do something about it. If you support something and can make a change, you owe it to yourself to try to change it.

I'm going up to CMU (Central Michigan University) tomorrow for an alumni luncheon. Haven't been there in years and I believe I have enough knowledge on work now to start passing the wisdom on. I'm curious what kinds of students will be joining me at my table. I remember myself in college, and not really caring about alumni.

Then after the lunch, I'm trying to schedule a meeting with my Senator (or rather, one of her staff members) to discuss legislation with the senate on Fair Pay. I can't believe it happens (pay discrimination) and I know I can help to do something about it. I'm using my "voice" to drop off a petition containing thousands of signatures (or e-signatures, as it may be).

Check out to learn more about this great organization. I have to get one of their t-shirts.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...
