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Monday, April 1, 2013

Reading List: Then, Now, and Later

LinkedIn had a "Reading List" feature that was disabled a few months ago, to my dismay. I had shared several books I've read as well as earmarked several I intend to read in the future.

In this blog post, I'll add those books for my own safekeeping, as well as to share with blog readers who might be interested in sharing their suggests as a "comment" to this blog.

I've decided to make a conscious effort to read more each week. This blog post will help to give that goal focus.
Book suggestions: to help
with contemplation and meditation,
as suggested by The Chronicle of
Higher Education, March 29, 2013

A Whole New Mind by Daniel Pink
I read this book as part of the Inforum Michigan Executive Leadership Program. I found it an easy read, and very inspirational and enlightening. I'd recommend this book. Viktor Frankl's book was suggested.

Man's Search for Meaning by Viktor Frankl
Never Eat Alone: And Other Secrets to Success, One Relationship at a Time by Keith Ferrazzi  (thanks to Dana Cadman)          

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