If you're looking for work, you may want to check out the new free Take Charge workshops at Walsh College: http://www.walshcollege.edu/
My recommendation is to attend the first kickoff session, to network with other job seekers. Here's more info:
My recommendation is to attend the first kickoff session, to network with other job seekers. Here's more info:
Kickoff Event and Networking: Creating Success in Today’s Job Search
Walsh College President and CEO Stephanie Bergeron and Ford Motor Company Fund President Jim Vella will welcome attendees and introduce a panel featuring faculty teaching the workshops and previous attendees who will share their success stories. Following the panel, the Walsh College Career Services Department will lead a workshop covering networking do’s and don’ts in the quest for a job. At the end of this workshop, all participants will be invited to participate in a Job Seekers Networking event in the lobby area of the Jeffery W. Barry Center. Attendees can practice their networking skills, meet new friends who are also in transition, as well as learn about job opportunities that other attendees may be aware of.
FEE / ELIGIBILITY: Free and open to anyone who is currently unemployed.
DATE: Monday, June 8
TIME: 9:30 a.m. - noon
LOCATION: Troy Campus
AVAILABILITY: This workshop is still accepting registrations. Spaces are limited. Click here to register.
WHO SHOULD ATTEND: Any displaced worker seeking additional business education and/or looking to network with other job seekers.
Opening Remarks: Walsh College President Stephanie Bergeron, Ford Motor Company Fund President James Vella.
Panel Discussion: Moderator: Tammé Quinn Grzebyk, MSM; Panelists: Dr. Barbara Ciaramitaro, Dr. Lee Meadows, Lesia Mahon, MS., and former "Take Charge" attendees.
Instructors for Networking Workshop: Laurie Siebert, Director of Career Services at Walsh College, and Cheryl Carr, Outreach Coordinator / Advisor for Career Services at Walsh College
You never know who you'll meet... plus a great opportunity to gain moral support from other job seekers. Plus, you can meet some great people I've met through Take Charge who will share some of the things they have learned from Take Charge, and how it's helped them in their job search, including:
Mary Ann Tindall: http://www.linkedin.com/in/maryanntindall
Eric van der Meulen: http://www.linkedin.com/in/evdmeulen
Keith Burke: http://www.linkedin.com/in/keithburke
They have impressed me with their positive attitudes, willingness to network, and desire to take advantage of opportunities during their transition. And they continue to inspire me. Thanks Mary Ann, Eric, and Keith.
Walsh College President and CEO Stephanie Bergeron and Ford Motor Company Fund President Jim Vella will welcome attendees and introduce a panel featuring faculty teaching the workshops and previous attendees who will share their success stories. Following the panel, the Walsh College Career Services Department will lead a workshop covering networking do’s and don’ts in the quest for a job. At the end of this workshop, all participants will be invited to participate in a Job Seekers Networking event in the lobby area of the Jeffery W. Barry Center. Attendees can practice their networking skills, meet new friends who are also in transition, as well as learn about job opportunities that other attendees may be aware of.
FEE / ELIGIBILITY: Free and open to anyone who is currently unemployed.
DATE: Monday, June 8
TIME: 9:30 a.m. - noon
LOCATION: Troy Campus
AVAILABILITY: This workshop is still accepting registrations. Spaces are limited. Click here to register.
WHO SHOULD ATTEND: Any displaced worker seeking additional business education and/or looking to network with other job seekers.
Opening Remarks: Walsh College President Stephanie Bergeron, Ford Motor Company Fund President James Vella.
Panel Discussion: Moderator: Tammé Quinn Grzebyk, MSM; Panelists: Dr. Barbara Ciaramitaro, Dr. Lee Meadows, Lesia Mahon, MS., and former "Take Charge" attendees.
Instructors for Networking Workshop: Laurie Siebert, Director of Career Services at Walsh College, and Cheryl Carr, Outreach Coordinator / Advisor for Career Services at Walsh College
You never know who you'll meet... plus a great opportunity to gain moral support from other job seekers. Plus, you can meet some great people I've met through Take Charge who will share some of the things they have learned from Take Charge, and how it's helped them in their job search, including:
Mary Ann Tindall: http://www.linkedin.com/in/maryanntindall
Eric van der Meulen: http://www.linkedin.com/in/evdmeulen
Keith Burke: http://www.linkedin.com/in/keithburke
They have impressed me with their positive attitudes, willingness to network, and desire to take advantage of opportunities during their transition. And they continue to inspire me. Thanks Mary Ann, Eric, and Keith.
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