- Mary's Mantle was created to support young pregnant women (aged 18+) who feel they have no options. The site shares the story of one such woman who ended her pregnancy because she felt she had no other choice. http://marysmantle.net/about/
- They house up to four expectant mothers.
- Their waiting list averages from five to 15 women. In 2012, they received 200 calls for expectant women needing a home.
- The site has a blog where they share video testimonials. http://marysmantle.net/news/ This gave me chills to see the silhouettes with the stories written on them. One was of a 20-year-old woman who chose adoption for her child.
- In addition to donations, volunteers are always needed and include prayer groups, charitable (fundraising) groups, babycare classes, new mom classes, and more. Pat Parker is the volunteer coordinator.
Thanks to Caleb for the suggestion to add this organization to my blog list.
Read about other charitable and nonprofit organizations in this blog: http://mellermarketing.blogspot.com/2014/09/the-big-4-0.html